G12-General Chemistry 2 - Quarter 1 - Ailene Calamlam
Ailene CalamlamAilene Calamlam

G12-General Chemistry 2 - Quarter 1 - Ailene Calamlam

            This is a grade 12 level STEM course. General Chemistry 1 (CHEM1) is a pre-requisite for this course. You may find that this is challenging. You will need to develop good study habits, including reviewing some lessons in CHEM 1 and developing problem-solving and analytical skills.

            In this course, you will be discovering the molecular interaction among the particles of a matter. You will study the properties of solutions, chemical kinetics, and chemical thermodynamics. This course will also cover the principles of chemical equilibrium and the rates and mechanisms of chemical reactions. An exploration of acids and bases and a brief introduction to electrochemistry will also be part of this course.

G12-General Physics I - Quarter 1 - Ian Lavapie
Ian Benedict Lavapie

G12-General Physics I - Quarter 1 - Ian Lavapie

Welcome to your new friendly science course! Everything will be easy if you will do things diligently. Majority of our lessons will be familiar to you as they are already been discussed in your science subjects in junior high school. This course will try to expand and deepen your knowledge in physics to allow you better understand our physical world.

G11-Pre-Calculus-Quarter 1- Mrs. Eden BIsarez

G11-Pre-Calculus-Quarter 1- Mrs. Eden BIsarez

                  Good day learners! This is your math online course in Pre-Calculus. Be Calculus ready! Calculus is defined as a branch of Mathematics concerned with the study of instantaneous rate of change (differential calculus) and the summation of infinitely many small factors to determine some whole (integral calculus). Sounds complicated? It won’t be as long as you strive to do your best in this course. Enjoy e-learning smile